Infinity Youth

Infinity Youth

Join us on Mondays from 7-9 PM

Grades 6-12

Lesson #22: The Prophets

Student Daily Devotionals (May 8-14)

Go deeper by reading through the daily devotionals throughout the week. These will relate to what we learn about each Monday.

Week 22, Day 1
Week 22, Day 2
Week 22, Day 3
Week 22, Day 4
Week 22, Day 5
Videos from this week (May 8-14)

Here are the videos we watched on Monday…

The Prophets explained

Who We Are

Infinity exists as a place for all students in grade 6 to 12 to come and grow.  They grow in 2 different relationships.  First, infinity students will grow in their relationships with God.  Through age-specific teaching that shows the students what it means to live as a Christian today. Second, they will grow in their peer relationships.  We are intentional in our youth nights to make time to hang out and have fun together.

Monday Nights

Youth runs from 7-9 pm and we meet downstairs in the youth room.  First, we start all together for snack & chats. This is a time where we get to catch up with each other. Then, have a time for some activities & games. Next, we split into grades 6-8 and 9-12 for our teaching and small group & prayer times. Finally, we end the night with some worship.  The teaching and small group times are relevant and Bible-based.

Sunday Mornings (Every other week!)

We start out in the service for worship with our families and then the grades 6-8 get dismissed downstairs to the youth room.  The grades 9-12 stay in the whole service.  We watch a video-based curriculum and take part in a discussion based on what we watch.  After the lesson, we hang out in the youth room. On Sunday mornings we also encourage our students to serve within the church.


Infinity youth runs monthly events where all grades 6-12 are invited.  These are great opportunities for friends to come and check out what youth is like in a safe and fun way. The only exception is our two winter retreats we go on. Snocamp for grades 9-12 happens in February/March every year and Bedlam for our grades 6-8 happens every November. Events are all subject to change.

Stay Connected

If you want to stay connected with what is happening in Infinity Youth, follow us on Instagram! You can also email Julianne Breen, Youth Coordinator, to get added to the email list at

The latest from our Youth Blog:

Stronger Together

When I started at Village Green I didn’t like that Jr High and Sr High were meeting on the same night.  I grew up in a church environment that Jr High and Sr High met on different nights and ran separately.  This was a change I was determined to make.  However, as time has gone…

Verse of the Week

Last year one of my awesome volunteers made a suggestion that really caused me to think.  It was a Tuesday evening, after youth, the leaders and I were having a debrief like we do most Tuesdays.  We were discussing the night and how it went when this leader said: “Devon, I have noticed that the…

The Power of Fun

Youth Group is an interesting thing to handle.  In some ways it is like a mini-church service except let’s be honest, we don’t play games at church.  There aren’t any church services I have been to that has said before the message we are going to play tag or dodgeball.  Yet for most youth groups…

Bedlam 2018

I listen to a youth ministry podcast called Rethinking Youth Ministry.  This is a podcast with a bunch of the youth pastors that work for Orange and write our curriculum.  These people are smart as they have been in youth ministry for a long time.  A couple of weeks ago they were talking about retreats…


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