
Part 1: What Did He Say?

The Temple is a source of pride for the Jewish people, a building that reflected theri relationship with God which took years to construct. But what is more important, the building or the God it was built to serve? John 2:13-22

Part 3: Joy and Wonder

The Resurrection of Jesus has profound implications for everyone, as revealed to faithful travelers on the road to Emmaus. Luke 24:41-49

Part 1: Jesus Weeps

As Jesus rides into Jerusalem, the crowds greet him as a conquering hero. 

Part 2: Confronted

For one criminal being crucified alongside Jesus, comes an unbelievable promise at the worst moment of his life. Luke 23:39-43

Part 5: Seven Trumpets

The trumpet judgments are reminiscent of the ten plagues of Egypt and have the same purpose – to show the powerlessness of earthly gods. Revelation Ch 8:2-10