From Kids to Adults – Individuality

From Kids to Adults – Individuality

If I am completely honest with you all, I don’t love every topic that Orange does.  Every month has important truths that our kids need to hear, but sometimes they just miss the mark.  However, this month hits right on the target.  Our theme is Individuality.  Identity is something that is becoming more and more of an issue.  People are trying to figure out who they are and are attaching to things that don’t define them well.

When I was in grade 12, I was trying to figure out who I was and I fell under the trap of identifying myself by my future career choice.  I fully believed that I was going to become a Millwright.  When I started to rethink my career options, I felt like I had to rethink my whole identity.

Psalm 139:14 says “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
    Your workmanship is marvellous—how well I know it”.

The Psalmist is excited about how God made him.  It is indeed a huge blessing that we are so wonderfully created by God.  God takes time and effort into us.  There is nothing about us that is a mistake.  Even our struggles are designed to help us grow and increase our faith.  It is truly amazing that our students are learning about this now.  I hope that we as the church can help encourage these kids as they grow that their identity can be found in God.  If we put our worth in God, it is a worthwhile cause.

I hope this encourages you to view yourself how God does instead of how you might and that you can be a source of encouragement to others as they strive to identify themselves.





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